Battle for Arazineth: Set Guide
Invasion TCG: Make Your Stand
A tranquil peace has reigned over the plains of Arazineth for generations, but in the darkness, unseen by all, a fire burns. For in the darkness stirs Hurtheri’s once vanquished legion of dragons. Hellbent on claiming what is rightfully hers, she will lead them to reclaim it, whatever the cost. Will you defend the city, or will you side with the fury set to destroy it?
Battle for Arazineth Release Information
- Set Release: 14th January 2019
- Cards: 20 (8 Creatures, 10 Spells, and 2 Battlefields)
- Editions: 3 (Regular, Foil, and Sketch)
- Products: View Battle for Arazineth Products
Battle for Arazineth: Creature Cards (8)

Battle for Arazineth: Spell Cards (10)
Battle for Arazineth: Battlefield Cards (2)