Invasion TCG Example Game


This example game of Invasion TCG sees Pheobe playing an aggressive deck built around Hurtheri, The Fire, while her opponent, Dave, is playing a control-based strategy built around Grathen, Prince of Men. 

Pheobe will be looking to build up her field full of powerful creatures and swing in for big attacks, while Dave will want to control the field and slowly chip away at Pheobe's life points. 

The Game Begins 

Both players draw their opening hand of five cards from their deck after Pheobe wins the dice roll and decides she would like to go second. Both players begin the game on 20 life points. 

Dave opens the game by playing Ancient Halls, a Battlefield that allows him to target a creature in play and stop its card effect from triggering. Playing his second card for the turn, he plays Ethella, The Brave and draws a card. As Ethella, The Brave can't attack and he has played all the cards he's allowed to, Dave ends his turn. 

Pheobe draws two cards to begin her turn and then decides to send a card from her hand to the graveyard so she can draw another one. Meanwhile, Dave plays one of the two Spell cards that he's allowed to play on Pheobe's turn - Call To Arms. With no response, the Spell resolves and Dave finds a Cinder Dragon from his deck and adds it to his hand. 

Pheobe then continues her turn and plays an Ethella, The Brave to draw a card and then plays Grathen, Prince Of Men. However, playing the second Spell he's allowed, Dave Fatal Blows the Grathen, Prince Of Men and destroys it. Pheobe then passes the turn.

Beginning his turn, Dave draws two cards and then sacrifices Ethella, The Brave to its mandatory card effect and draws another card. Playing his first card of the turn, Dave plays Grathen, Prince of Men then discards a card from hand to destroy Pheobe's Ethella, The Brave.

Dave then plays Cinder Dragon onto the field of play. In response, Pheobe plays Scout The Way and Call to Arms. Call To Arms will find a creature from her deck and add it to her hand, while Scout The Way will find a Battlefield from her deck and add it onto the field of play. Pheobe chooses Cinder Dragon as the creature card and Fiery Path as the Battlefield. 

Continuing his turn, Dave moves into his attack step. He rolls one dice as he can attack with Cinder Dragon - the only creature he controls that doesn't have Summoning Sickness. The attack misses, and Pheobe still has 20 life points remaining. 

First Life Point Damage Taken 

Pheobe draws two cards to begin her turn and plays down two copies of Cinder Dragon and then moves straight into her attack step. She rolls two dice and misses with the attack, but she triggers Fiery Path's card effect to re-roll one of the dice and hits with it. Dave drops to 19 life points! 

When Dave begins his turn, he's looking to even up the score and start building up his board position. After starting by drawing his two cards for the turn, he sends a card from his hand to the graveyard and draws a card from his deck. 

Playing his first card of the turn, he puts a Cinder Dragon into play and follows it with another Grathen, Prince of Men. After discarding a card to trigger Grathen Prince Of Men's ability, he chooses to destroy one of Pheobe's Cinder Dragons. 

Knowing Dave has played all his cards for the turn, Pheobe plays down two copies of Call To Arms to get two creatures from her deck and add them to her hand. She chooses two copies of Hutheri, The Fire - an aggressive card that rolls two dice per attack rather than just one. 

Moving into his attack step to continue his turn, Dave rolls three dice, but misses with them all! He has nothing left to do on his turn other than pass to his opponent. 

After drawing cards for her turn, Pheobe plays down both of the copies of Hutheri, The Fire that she pulled from her deck on Dave's turn. There's no response from Dave, so she moves into her attack step, but misses! 

The game moves back to Dave's turn, who draws his two cards for the turn. He sends a card from his hand to the graveyard and draws a card from his deck before triggering Ancient Halls' card effect. He targets one of Pheobe's Hutheri, The Fire creatures so it will only roll one dice in the next attack step rather than two. 

Playing his first card of the turn, he plays Ajuna, The Seeker and triggers its card effect to get a Fatal Blow from his graveyard and add it to his hand. He then plays a second copy of Ajuna, The Seeker and adds a Countermand from his graveyard to his hand. 

Dave moves to his attack step and deals three damage to Pheobe's life points, sending her down to 17 while he's at 19. 

Pressing Home the Advantage 

After taking the lead, Dave will be looking to press home his advantage, but Pheobe will want to stabilize her board position and start bringing Dave's life point total down. 

Pheobe begins her turn by drawing two cards and then plays down Kalmuri, The White. Kalmuri, The White is a creature that can't attack, but its card effect means Pheobe will be able to re-roll another dice on each of her attack steps. 

Sensing Pheobe's board position beginning to grow, Dave plays a Fatal Blow in an attempt to destroy one of Pheobe's Hutheri, The Fire. To try and protect it, Pheobe plays the second card of her turn and uses Countermand, but it gets countered after Dave plays his own Countermand in response! 

With no more cards to be played, Pheobe moves to her attack step. She attacks with her remaining copy of Hutheri, The Fire which can only roll one dice due to Ancient Halls' card effect and a Cinder Dragon. She rolls two dice and hits with one, then uses one of her two available re-roll effects to hit with two out of two! 

Pheobe ends the turn on 17 life while Dave's now at 17 too. 

After drawing his two cards for the turn, Dave re-uses Ancient Halls' card effect so that Pheobe's Hutheri, The Fire still only rolls one dice and not two on her next attack step. 

Playing his first card of the turn, Dave plays Feldarah, The Redeemer - an important part of a control player's deck! Its card effect means Dave can discard a card from his hand to reduce the damage Pheobe does in her attack step by one. 

Before playing another card, Dave discards a card from his hand to draw a card from his deck. He then plays a Call To Arms to get an Ajuna, The Seeker from his deck and put it into his hand. Moving to his attack step, Dave attacks with six creatures but only hits with three!

At 14-17 behind, Pheobe starts her turn by drawing two cards. She discards a card from her hand to draw another and then walks right into Dave's trap! She plays down a Cinder Dragon and then a Sun Dragon, but Dave steps in with two copies of Fatal Blow - sending Kalmuri, The White and Sun Dragon to the graveyard. 

Pheobe moves to her attack step and hits with two damage to bring Dave down to 15 life points while she's at 14. 

The Tide Begins to Turn 

Dave begins his turn in a solid position and after drawing, he plays another copy of Ajuna The Seeker, but Pheobe steps in with a Fatal Blow. However, Dave protects his creature with a Countermand and gets to trigger Ajuna, The Seeker's card effect, returning a Fatal Blow to his hand from the graveyard. 

Dave moves into his attack step and swings in for an attack with seven creatures, but he only hits with one! He had the chance to do some serious damage and take real control of the game, but missed the opportunity! Pheobe now has 13 life points while Dave has 15. 

After drawing two cards to begin her turn, Pheobe plays an Ajuna, The Seeker, but Dave gets a measure of revenge by playing Fatal Blow to send it to the graveyard. Her second card for the turn is a Sun Dragon, and as she's behind in life points, Pheobe plays her once-per-game third card: another Ajuna, The Seeker to get back a Fatal Blow from her graveyard and add it to her hand. 

Moving to her attack step, Pheobe swings in with three creatures and using Hurtheri, The Fire and Fiery Path's card effects, she's rolling a total of five dice. She hits with three and takes Dave down to 12 life points, but he sacrifices a card from his hand and discards it to Feldarah, The Redeemer's card effect to reduce the damage done by one. 

Pheobe gets to draw a card at the end of her turn thanks to Sun Dragon's card effect, and then she passes the turn to her opponent with the score tied at 13-13.

With no cards in hand before his turn begins, Dave draws a Cinder Dragon and a Countermand from the top of his deck to begin his turn. He plays down the Cinder Dragon, but Pheobe responds to try and remove Dave's Ancient Halls from play, but Dave counters it with the Countermand he drew. 

With no more cards to play, Dave moves into his attack step, but Pheobe uses Fatal Blow to send his Feldarah, The Redeemer to the graveyard. After it resolves, Dave triggers Ancient Halls' card effect to make sure Pheobe's Hutheri, The Fire can only attack rolling one dice and not two on her next attack step. 

Finishing up his attack step, Dave attacks with eight creatures and hits with six of them - putting Pheobe to 7 life points while he's at 13. 

The Game Slips Away

After her draw step, Pheobe starts her turn by playing an Ajuna, The Seeker and picks up a Fatal Blow from her graveyard and adds it to her hand. Now building an advantage, she drops a second copy of Sun Dragon to double up on its card effect. Moving into her attack step, she hits for four damage to close the score to 7-9. 

Dave, who had been enjoying a wider lead, is now under a bit of pressure. He draws two cards to begin his turn - the only cards he has in his hand - and then plays Forgotten Land to remove Pheobe's Fiery Path from the field of play. 

Before moving into his attack step, he once again targets Pheobe's Hurtheri, The Fire with Ancient Halls' card effect. But before he can pick up dice to roll for his attack, Pheobe uses the two copies of Fatal Blow she has in her hand to send two of Dave's Cinder Dragons to the graveyard. 

With both players having no cards left to play, Dave rolls six dice on his attack, and hits with four to bring Pheobe to within one attack step of losing the game! The score sits at Pheobe on 3 life points and Dave at 9.

Now needing to find an answer, Pheobe begins her turn and draws two cards after going through a deck recycle. The first card she plays is a Kalmuri, The White and the second is Hutheri, The Fire. Having a re-roll effect in play thanks to Kalmuri, The White and the additional dice rolled through Hutheri, The Fire's card effect could help her sneak a win. 

Moving into her attack step, Pheobe takes Dave's life point total down from 9 to 2, hitting with all seven dice that she rolled! At the end of her turn, she sends a card from her hand to the graveyard to draw a card and then triggers both her Sun Dragon's card effects and draws two cards. 

On what could be his final turn of the game, Dave draws two cards knowing he needs to win the game on this turn or he may lose!

He plays down a Grathen, Prince of Men and sends one of Pheobe's Hutheri, The Fire to the graveyard, then Pheobe plays a Fatal Blow to remove Dave's Cinder Dragon from play. 

Needing to hit for three damage to win the game, Dave attacks with five creatures but only hits with two, putting Pheobe at one life point! After just missing out on winning the game, Dave triggers Ancient Hall's card effect to again target Hurtheri, The Fire on Pheobe's side of play. 

At the end of Dave's turn, Pheobe plays a Call To Arms to find a Kalmuri, The White from her deck and add it to her hand. It's a good choice because it means she'll have another re-roll effect to trigger during her attack step to try and help finish Dave off!

To start her turn, Pheobe draws two cards and then sends a card from her hand to the graveyard to draw another card from her deck. For her first card of the turn, she plays down the Kalmuri, The White and then a Cinder Dragon.

Moving into her attack step, Pheobe rolls seven dice and hits for exactly the two damage she needs to win the game! She didn't even need any re-roll effects!

Pheobe's aggro deck beats Dave's control deck!